Are you drinking the right water?


“Body is the capital of revolution.” The old saying proves the importance of body health.

Health is the largest wealth of a man, but how can we do to keep healthy easily and efficiently in daily life?  



Except proper exercise, the experts hold the belief that water drinking is of first importance in healthy diet.

Water, carbohydrate, protein, vitamin and mineral are six basic nutrients of body, and water ranks first among them.

Guangqiang Dai, the famous medical and health care specialist, indicates that water is the head of six nutrients.



80% of the blood is made up of water. Like crisscrossed rivers and streams on the earth, blood carries all kinds of energy and nutrients into body organs to ensure its normal function, and the immune substances and lymphocyte it contains improve body’s immune system. Meanwhile, blood helps to maintain acid-base balance of body humors and keep weakly alkaline health condition. Water makes up 70% of body, and normally, water gets renewed about every 15 days.

Therefore, the expert suggested that adult should drink no less than 2000mL water to maintain normal water update of body.

Small volume of water intake can not update body water, resulting in humor quality degradation and body waste deposition, which impacts health.


pH value of water is vital to blood.

Medical researches say the blood is weakly alkaline at the beginning, but it turns acidic following with health deterioration and senility.

Blood pH value of infants is about 7.4, but it will go down to 7.0-6.8 at the time of serious illness and old age.

Medical community believed that blood acidification is the source of diseases and aging process since 80% of drinking water directly enters into blood, which has a significant impact on human blood.

Consequently, natural weakly alkaline water, like mineral water , is the best option. It can effectively sustain and strengthen weak alkalinity of blood, maintain health, delay body acidification and senility.


Based on 24 years of water research and innovative technology, OSPRING TECHNOLOGY successfully brought the world’s three well-known water to millions of families through its technological products.   


World’s three well-known water

Water purifier: efficiently eliminate chlorine and impurities, deeply purify water quality; adopt water treatment technology of water magnetization, softening and activation to generate water with rich minerals, trace elements(like Zn) and hydrogen to millions of families.

Hydrogen generator: mobile hydrogen water factory to generate hydrogen anytime and anywhere. Electrolysis for 3 minutes to produce healthier hydrogen water. 


One-key operation

Simple and convenient for use

Water quality improvement

Healthy water drinking

Suitable for various adapters(connecting bottled water)

Food-grade material

Environmentally friendly and safe to use

Daily water drinking timetable

6:30  the first cup of water250mlwhen you wake up: detoxify the toxins of kidney and liver after a whole night’s sleep.

8:30  the second cup of water when you show up in the office(about 250mL):

prevent the busyness and tension-induced body dehydration.

11:00 the third cup of water after working for a period of time: allow your body to relax.

12:50 the forth cup of water half an hour after lunch: promote digestion and nutrient absorption.
15:00 the fifth cup of water instead of afternoon tea, coffee or other energy drinks: refresh your spirit and improve work efficiency.

17:30 the sixth cup of water when you get off work: help keep your figure.

20:00 the seventh cup of water after dinner: conducive to digestion and gastrointestinal health.

22:00 the eighth cup of water 0.5/1 hour before sleep: drink enough water for a day.  

Healthy life needs a little caring for every little bit makes little different. Dream big, Do Small: starting with water-drinking, OSPRING TECHNOLOGY carefully protects the health of you and your family.